Career after Python Programming Training Course
- There are millions of job openings for python developers.
- Python is a widely-used programming language for web development language, and this fact will create more and more job opportunities for python skills.
- Due to the developing demand for websites, web applications & artificial intelligence, python has captured the market for its survival.
- If you look at the famous job market and search for python developer jobs, you will realize the importance of this language.
Introduction To Python
- Duration: 2 Months
- Why Python
- Application areas of python
- Python implementations
- Cpython
- Jython
- Ironpython
- Pypy
- Python versions
- Installing python
- Python interpreter architecture
- Python byte code compiler
- Python virtual machine(pvm)
Writing and Executing First Python Program
- Using interactive mode
- Using script mode
- General text editor and command window
- Idle editor and idle shell
- Understanding print() function
- How to compile python program explicitly
Python Language Fundamentals
- Character set
- Keywords
- Comments
- Variables
- Literals
- Operators
- Reading input from console
- Parsing string to int, float
Python Conditional Statements
- If statement
- If else statement
- If elif statement
- If elif else statement
- Nested if statement
Looping Statements
- While loop
- For loop
- Nested loops
- Pass, break and continue keywords
Standard Data Types
- Int, float, complex, bool, nonetype
- Str, list, tuple, range
- Dict, set, frozenset
String Handling
- What is string
- String representations
- Unicode string
- String functions, methods
- String indexing and slicing
- String formatting
Python List
- Creating and accessing lists
- Indexing and slicing lists
- List methods
- Nested lists
- List comprehension
Python Tuple
- Creating tuple
- Accessing tuple
- Immutability of tuple
Python Set
- How to create a set
- Iteration over sets
- Python set methods
- Python frozenset
Python Dictionary
- Creating a dictionary
- Dictionary methods
- Accessing values from dictionary
- Updating dictionary
- Iterating dictionary
- Dictionary comprehension
Python Functions
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Types of functions
- Function arguments
- Positional arguments, keyword arguments
- Default arguments, non-default arguments
- Arbitrary arguments, keyword arbitrary arguments
- Function return statement
- Nested function
- Function as argument
- Function as return statement
- Decorator function
- Closure
- Map(), filter(), reduce(), any() functions
- Anonymous or lambda function
Modules & Packages
- Why modules
- Script v/s module
- Importing module
- Standard v/s third party modules
- Why packages
- Understanding pip utility
File I/O
- Introduction to file handling
- File modes
- Functions and methods related to file handling
- Understanding with block
Object Oriented Programming
- Procedural v/s object oriented programming
- OOP principles
- Defining a class & object creation
- Object attributes
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
Exception Handling
- Difference between syntax errors and exceptions
- Keywords used in exception handling
- try, except, finally, raise, assert
- Types of except blocks
Regular Expressions(Regex)
- Need of regular expressions
- Re module
- Functions /methods related to regex
- Meta characters & special sequences
GUI Programming
- Introduction to tkinter programming
- Tkinter widgets
- Tk, label, Entry, Textbox, Button
- Frame, messagebox, filedialog etc
- Layout managers
- Event handling
- Displaying image
Multi-Threading Programming
- Multi-processing v/s Multi-threading
- Need of threads
- Creating child threads
- Functions /methods related to threads
- Thread synchronization and locking
Introduction to Database
- Database Concepts
- What is Database Package?
- Understanding Data Storage
- Relational Database (RDBMS) Concept
SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SQL basics
- DDL: create, alter, drop
- SQL constraints:
- Not null, unique,
- Primary & foreign key, composite key
- Check, default
- DML: insert, update, delete and merge
- DQL : select
- Select distinct
- SQL where
- SQL operators
- SQL like
- SQL order by
- SQL aliases
- SQL views
- SQL joins
- Inner join
- Left (outer) join
- Right (outer) join
- Full (outer) join
- Mysql functions
- String functions
- Char_length
- Concat
- Lower
- Reverse
- Upper
- Numeric functions
- Max, min, sum
- Avg, count, abs
- Date functions
- Curdate
- Curtime
- Now
Python Database Connectivity
- Creating database connection
- Understanding Cursor
- Executing queries
- Parameterized queries